Liturgists are needed each week during worship to lead the congregation through the Call to Worship, Unison Prayer and Scripture Reading.
Altar flowers may be ordered by signing up in Fellowship Hall. Please make your donation checks payable to the church and write “altar flowers” on the memo line. Thank you!
The choir always welcomes new voices and musicians! Come join us Monday evenings from 7-7:30 pm in the sanctuary for Christmas Concert rehearsal! This year we're going to incorporate a cantata into our usual festivities, so come join us! See Greg if you are interested.
Do you have gifts and skills in finance, technology, teaching, management, building construction, music? Have you had training and experience with Trustees, Diaconate, Youth Ministries, Missions and Outreach, or other areas of service? Consider serving on any of our Boards and Ministries!
We have a variety of mission and outreach programs in need of volunteers!